NPK CON CÒ 19-19-19

  • Fertilizer granules: soluble powder for root irrigation
  • NPK Con Co 19-19-19+3S+0.015B+0.02Zn+0.03Mn+0.019F is a complete high-grade fertilizer produced by exclusive French technology. NPK Con Co 19-19-19+3S+0.015B+0.02Zn+0.03Mn+0.019F contains nutritional content of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P2O5) and potassium (K2O), trace elements Essential for all crops
  • Depending on the type of tree in the growth and development stages of the plant, the amount of fertilizer is different. Farmers need to carefully read the instructions for use on the back of the package
  • Proprietary production technology according to FRANCE technology
  • Net weight: 25 kg


Phân bón NPK hòa tan cao cấp chuyên dùng cho các loại cây trồng

Đạm tổng số (Nts) 19%
Lân hữu hiệu (P2O5hh) 19%
Kali hữu hiệu (K2Ohh) 19%
Lưu huỳnh (S) 3%
Kẽm (Zn) 200 ppm
Bo (B) 150 ppm
Mangan (Mn) 300 ppm
Sắt (Fe) 190 ppm
Độ ẩm 2%

Used to fertilize roots, irrigate vegetables, crops, fruit trees, industrial plants.
- Beans, gourds, squash, cabbage, tomatoes, peppers, melons, vegetables, etc: 2-4 kg/1000 m2. Periodic watering throughout the growth and development process, each time 10-20 days apart. Dissolve 2 kg/200 liters of water for irrigation.
- Root vegetables (carrots, beets, potatoes, etc.): 3-5 kg/1000 m2. Watering at 15 days after sowing seeds (bulbs). Watering is done several times, each time 10-20 days apart. Dissolve 2.5-3 kg/200 liters of water for irrigation.
- Fruit trees (mango, longan, dragon fruit, rambutan, durian, citrus, etc.): 5-10 kg/1000 m2 (Depending on the type of plant). Watering after fruit set about 2 weeks. Watering every 10-15 days until close to harvest. Water around the base according to the foliage. Dissolve 5 kg/200 liters of water for irrigation.
- Pepper plants: 5-10 kg/1000 m2. Watering after fruit set about 2 weeks. Watering every 10-15 days until close to harvest. Water around the base according to the foliage. Dissolve 5 kg/200 liters of water for irrigation. Used to fertilize roots, irrigate vegetables, crops, fruit trees, industrial plants.
Depending on the land and plant varieties can increase or decrease accordingly.
Shelf life: 03 years from the date of manufacture

No. Files.
1 Certificate of Accreditation ISO17025 2017.pdf Download

  • Absorbed too quickly leaves, stems and roots
  • Budding, budding, thick green leaves
  • Smooth leaves, glossy skin, beautiful fruit shape
  • Stiff plants, firm seeds, big fruits
  • Large fruit, early ripening, concentrated ripening

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