USP Technology
USP (Urea Super Phosphate) is a unique and patented French technology produced by Baconco in Vietnam. It enables the combination of Urea and Super Phosphate, two components that typically cannot be combined under normal conditions. The resulting formula from this combination is: NPK 20-10-0+10,5Ca+7S.
The P2O5 component is derived from phosphate rock as the raw material. However, the production process is highly safe and environmentally friendly because it does not generate gypsum as a byproduct. From USP granules, various materials can be blended to create numerous fertilizer formulas.
Twelve years of testing, R&D and improvements have allowed Baconco to develop a strong knowledge of the product and its advantages leading to a remarkable commercial success in Vietnam.
Baconco has developed a wide range of USP based formulas under the label «USP HIGH TECH».
The effects of USP in the field are:
- A better nitrogen efficiency: once assimilated into USP, urea is released more slowly than if applied as a single fertilizer. The consequence is a much better uptake by the plant.
- An anti-acidifying fertilizer: soil acidification is a major concern in intensive agriculture. USP is one the few mineral fertilizers having negative acidifying value.
- A more available form of calcium and sulfur, two important secondary nutrients. The results are a stronger straw and a better resistance to insect attacks on rice crops.
In average, a 5% increase in yield is observed when compared to similar fertilization values on rice.